Saturday, March 1, 2014

Golden Beaver (Oh, the puns!)

Now that we bought a house, I will be doing a ton of DIY projects. Let’s face it, I am far too cheap to buy these items or hire someone to do these projects for me. With that said, my first blog project! I am going to be making a jar for Aubrey Girl’s college fund. I mean, it's not really her college fund, that money is all tied up in a 529 account but this is where we keep all of the change that eventually rolls over to her college fund. 
This is her current change jar. Davey Doodle and I painted it for her while I was still pregnant with her but since I’m redoing her room this sweet little jar no longer matches. If anyone knows me, they know how obsessive I am about EVERYTHING matching and being cohesive.
After spending some time on Pintrest I stumbled across this photo:
What a cute deer, right?! Well, being a "use-what-you-have" kind of girl, I remembered I had a plastic beaver figurine in the freezer. That might be one of the strangest phrases I’ve ever used but it's fact. Why do I have a beaver in my freezer? My sister and I think it’s hysterical to hide things around each other’s homes. A plastic banana in the couch, random pictures of Davey taped to the toilet seat or shoved in her pillow cases, a plastic pear shoved in her son’s backpack and so on. Two years later the beaver is still in the freezer, until today that is!
Originally I was going to paint the figurine gold and just use the deer picture as inspiration but after MANY failed attempts with the paint (I swear Martha Stewart paint NEVER dries or maybe I just hate waiting for paint to dry. Probably the latter.) I decided to regroup and off to Target I went! I picked up this glitter pack because it was the only glitter they had in the entire store and the fine gold glitter turned out to be exactly what I was looking for.
The process was super simple and I didn't have to wait a billion years for it to dry. I used a small paintbrush and painted Mod Podge onto the figurine and then dipped the figured into a bowl of glitter. I did the same with the jar lid. I let them sit for about an hour to dry and then did another layer of Mod Podge over the glitter.
After a couple of hours it was completely dry and I could finally assemble my jar. I hot glued the figurine to the top of the jar and tied a piece of twine around the jar and voila! Done.
I actually love it. I always hate my end product because they NEVER look the way I expect them to but this is a little change jar I can be proud of.

Until next time...

Bear Hugs,

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great idea! I've been looking for a way to re-purpose the endless amount of mason jars that I have. I'm so glad I found this blog! Pretty creative stuff. And you're pretty funny too. I enjoy the read. Can't wait until the next one.
